Friday, March 2, 2018

Trip to Costa Rica with mother Bertha - field notes

October 2005 ish? My trip to Costa Rica transcribed from my handwritten notes in 2018 after my house fire, I am making notes of papers that have to be thrown out.

"The Spots of Ilan Ilan"

90% humidity and a ceiling fan. I will go on hikes, and hang out on Carribean with mom tomorrow.
8-10 canal tour
10 - village trails
12 - beach.
There is going to be a big party int he village. I can hear the big drums now.

My three new friends are Spot, Spot, and Spot. One stays ahead of me wherever I go, the other 2 stay alongside or behind. I was worried about stepping on a snake, or bug, or gekko, but now I am confident that the Spots will keep them away.

Hotel Ilan Ilan where mom and I are staying for a few days is named after a fragrant flower that produces a plain, green flower on the Ilan tree - Channel #5 is made from that flower.
a courtes
The Spots led me out into the jungle; tall dense grassess with 15 poisonous deadly snakes ready to strike my ankle bones. The Spots appeared to be super happy as they bounced around in the grass, only their wagging tails could be seen. I couldn't figure out their excitement at first, but it was very entertaining. I wished I had a video camera for chance to win $100,000 in the funniest home video contest - oh well. As it turns out, Spot spotted a small rodent and I spotted Spot with one in his mouth - ah ha! This is what the Ilan mutts eat - mice! They also fish in the river along the Ilan Ilan.

Oct. 13 - San Jose CR. Mom left yesterday for Valcano Arenal and will return tonight. I slept in, went to dentista at noon. It wasn't so bad and I was back at hotel around 4. The cable tv and internet is out of service due to heavy rain storm so I did not get to watch the Bush/Kerry debate.

"Rum Cauita" Rum with coconut, locally made and delicious with pineapple juice ... My mouth feels okay $5010.00 plus travel - $6000. Now, I'll drink rum and local fruice juice - yummy.

"Umbrella Manners"
Yesterday, I walked several miles to downtown in the rain. Umbrellas are good here, everyone has one and it's funny on the busy crowded sidewalks with umbrella courtesy.  If you are male, you lift your umbrella up high for a passing female. If 2 females pass, you dodge each other. If it's really crowded, it is umbrella chaos with umbrella crashes, smashes, hit and runs, brella benders.

Something has really changed; Toby, the driver, drives like a typical Costa Rican - it feels dangerous, pass in the no passing zone, too fast, barely missing pedestrians - crazy! You read all you want about this part, but you can only know it through the crowded city, curvy mountain passes, rain-slick narrow streets, rock rough plantation roads... scary.

We came through the cloud forest - alive at 5.

Nacho, our tour guide, would like a copy of Bear Heart's book and some pipe mix for his dad.  Ignacio Pena Alvarez 2-2200 San Jose Costa Rica Coronado ...

There was a soccor game today with Guatamala - this is very important, lots of partying going on and I'm drinking rum with Nacho.

Josef Cordova, one dentist says "No, I don't believe you" - he's arrogant, but I appreciate his perfectionism. He and his dentist wife, Thelma, play "good cop, bad cop" to sell dental services, etc. Thelma is a bit passive agressive while Josef is just arrogant. Why do I deal wth them!? The doctor who did the root canal was wonderful, patient, gentle, consoling and pain free. I wish they were all so good. So far, $6800 last trip $5000 this trip - about $14,000 - and add Dr. Allen in Albuquerque and I have a $20,000 bridge to date. Right side - 2 root canals 2 back teeth.  Mom gave me $4400 to help with the costs - 2500 dentist, 400 air, 1040 dentist ...

"Glow bug"  emerald green light, not a firefly but phospherescent. "The spirits are here!" - thunderous lightening storm last night. So energetic, the buildings shook violently!

Saw a giant poisonous tarantual today in the jungle and one very cute green snake. There is a tree that "walks" on it's roots.
Maybe the Spots are trying to earn tips as they are competing for my attention now - they are all very protective of me.

Naked Indian Tree - it's  a barkless smooth tree. A park in the middle of San Jose.
Noni Juice - a big deal. Bought several bottles to bring back at $20/liter.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Early Influences

When I was about 10 years old, I met a girl in Gallina, New Mexico, where my parents were teaching summer school. She was the daughter of the superintendent and was short in stature. We were immediately drawn to each other because ... we were the only girls our age "in town" that summer! Moreover, I was particularly attracted to her because I was just a smidgen taller and because I was also a tiny person, I felt like a giant around her which was a first-of-a-kind experience for me.  She and I spent a lot of time together, sharing our concern for stray baby kittens and sharing our dreams of the future. Me, I wanted to work with animals, perhaps even as a jockey being short and lightweight; she, she was going to be a nun, no doubt about it. I had never heard of such a thing as wanting to be a nun, not having much knowledge about Catholics, much less nun-ness. She told me everything she knew about nuns and I was spellbound with the idea of chosing poverty and service. She told me stores about famous nuns and nuns she knew personally and how they vowed to be single and in service to the poor and needy. Wow!

As life went on, I soon lost touch with my little Mexican Catholic friend but never ceased to wonder if her ambition became reality. I still wonder about her because her heart was so unwavering in her dream; I don't doubt that she is Sister Catherine somewhere in the world today. Who knows, maybe even "Mother Catherine" by now.  And through the years, I have wondered what life as a nun would be like. Obviously, I was inspired by her dedication somewhere deep within myself - she spoke to me from a place that a 10 year old American girl wouldn't even really be aware of - some multidimensional reality, I suppose.

A few years later, I became best friends with aother Catholic girl  my age. I confess that I went to confession and did everything she did as a Catholic.  I frequented the tiny, adobe Catholic church with her ancient grandmother and even more ancient great aunt as they went to church every single day. When I stayed over, of course, the old ones would insist that we girls came along to pray the rosary and light a candle. If I remember correctly, we didn't have a choice, otherwise, we might have chosen to run around the community and find some boys, but that would have been a sin. My friend was very concerned about sinning although the concept was fairly foreign to me. You see, I wasn't raised in any faith tradition. My mother, although raised and baptized southern baptist, was more of a "seeker" and not a finder. My stepfather had been raised in a religion that was so obscure, there were not any churches (Christian Science).  We moved quite a bit or lived in extremely rural areas where just mailing a letter was an entire day affair, much less going to church. My mother would read the Bible now and then, but otherwise, I was a free spirit and a free agent. 

As a late teenager, I became more interested in the esoteric, the metaphysical, the extraordinary imaginings that stretched my spiritual beingness to unknown and unfamiliar places. One of my first such encounters was with an elder cousin of mine who called herself wiccan but then gave me a book "The Egyptian Book of the Dead" as well as "The Third Eye." She performed some sort of energy reading on me and announced that my third eye was awakening. I had no clue what she was talking about, but being the curious person I have always been, I read the books. 

encounters with metaphysics
teachers, Indian
Beatles and transcendental meditation
native america
reading lists - cultish, metaphysical, hitchhikers guide, aliens, first encounters, weird and strange news and accountings


pleadians - Hicks -
we live multiple lives simultaneously various dimensions - why not a nun?

if I were to guess how I was living :
nun sisters of the valley growing medicinal plants
working with animals like Jane
professor of -- environmental something or another
like peace pilgrim "love your water as your neighbor"
sojourner truth bookstore van - ? hmmmm
what have i dreamed of that is far from what THIS life has been like?, why can't they be just as real as what I think is real for me now?
maybe more real.

multiverses, new scientic discoveries, multilayered parallel, new astronomical discoveries, planets, galaxies

a wish to hide from this life and live vicariously through another one of my lives ...
why not?
this life has been both blessed but somehow ended up too painful and disappointing. I can intuitively feel my other lives and think them into my "now"